You’ve Been Given a Great Gift, George

In the holiday classic movie “It’s a Wonderful Life,” the angel Clarence–sorry, Angel Second Class — tells George Bailey that he has been given a great gift. It’s a chance for George to see what the world would be like without him. George, of course, doesn’t believe Clarence and who he says he is, but eventually, as we all know, it turns out well.

I like to think that George will come to salvation after his eye-opening experience.

And speaking of eye-opening experiences, what has happened to me over the past couple months of my life has been more than that, it has been transformational. As many of you know, I have not only lost my job at a Christian media company that I dedicated myself to for 11 1/2 years, but my family and I have been separated since Oct. 1.

While I at first felt sorry for myself for everything that has been happening, I have since become to appreciate this as a great gift from God. I could have taken these setbacks and wallowed in my own pity.

However, I have chosen to thank God for the opportunity He has set before me, to take a step back and repent of all of the years that I have wasted believing that I was doing enough for Him and for the kingdom. For the past two months, God has been transforming me into the man that He has always wanted me to be, and I’m not taking it for granted. And, I’m not ever going again take for granted the great gifts that He has given me with my wife, my son and my daughter.

When you don’t steward things properly, the way God wants you to steward them, then things can tend to go awry. Nobody knows that better than me. I didn’t steward my marriage or my children properly, and I am now being disciplined for that.

Thank God He is the God of second, third, fourth and thousandths of chances, and I know that He has forgiven me for all of that wasted time. Every day his mercies are new, and He is giving me grace. Indeed it’s uncomfortable for me to be away from familiar surroundings, but this is part of that discipline.

And while the Holy Spirit is downloading new things upon my heart every day and He is dealing with me, my diligent prayers are for my family to heal and for forgiveness to reign in their hearts, the forgiveness of Jesus.

This time has given me the opportunity to explore new things. Although I have been saved for many years, my heart is now being transformed into His image, and I am pursuing that every day with all diligence.

I choose to believe that I have a guardian angel that is watching over me and directing me to do the things God has commanded me to do. While I hope that it’s not an AS2 (angel second class, one that hasn’t won his wings yet), I do pray that this angel is keeping me from any disobedience towards God and is directing me to pursue God with all my heart. “You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13).

My prayer life is expanding every day, and prayer is what will change things. I will NEVER take that for granted ever again.

I encourage you today that if you believe simply going to church on Sunday or working for a Christian company, per se, makes you a good Christian and that is enough for God, re-evaluate your attitude. It’s not enough. You must seek Him with your whole heart. And while trials and tribulations will still come, you will be able to handle those difficult times in your life when He (and your guardian angel) are by your side.

Praying that into all of your lives. All of God’s blessings to you.

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